Sub-module jmetal-parallel


Antonio J. Nebro





This section describes the contents of the jmetal-parallel submodule.

Synchronous parallelism

Traditionally, jMetal has provided basic support for evaluating list of solutions (i.e., populations and swarms) in parallel by using the processor cores. The adopted strategy is to include classes implementing the SolutionListEvaluator interface:

public interface SolutionListEvaluator<S> extends Serializable {
  List<S> evaluate(List<S> solutionList, Problem<S> problem) ;
  void shutdown() ;

The evaluate() method receives the list of solutions to be evaluated by a problem, and returns the list of evaluated solutions. Two evaluators are included:

An example is shown in the following code snippet:

SolutionListEvaluator<DoubleSolution> evaluator = new MultiThreadedSolutionListEvaluator<DoubleSolution>(8);

NSGAIIBuilder<DoubleSolution> builder =
    new NSGAIIBuilder<>(problem, crossover, mutation, populationSize)

The resulting parallel model when using the MultiThreadedSolutionListEvaluator is synchronous, which implies that the behavior of the parallel algorithm is the same as the sequential one, but performance is affected by the fact that the algorithm alternates parallel (the solutions evaluation) and sequential codes (the rest of the algorithm code), so this model does not scale well.

An evaluator missing in jMetal is one based on Apache Spark, which was described in the paper C. Barba-González, J. García-Nieto, Antonio J. Nebro, J.F.Aldana-Montes: Multi-objective Big Data Optimization with jMetal and Spark . EMO 2017. However, including this evaluator in the core jMetal sub-module would require to include the dependency to the Spark Maven package in the pom.xml file of the jmetal-core sub-module. So, we decided to create the jmetal-parallel sub-module to include not only the dependencies of the Spark packages but also others that will be eventually be added in the future.

The use of the SparkSolutionListEvaluator class is include in the SynchronousNSGAIIWithSparkExample:

SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf()
        .setMaster("local[8]") // 8 cores
        .setAppName("NSGA-II with Spark");

JavaSparkContext sparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);
SolutionListEvaluator<DoubleSolution> evaluator = new SparkSolutionListEvaluator<>(sparkContext) ;

algorithm = new NSGAIIBuilder<>(problem, crossover, mutation, populationSize)
        .setSolutionListEvaluator(new SparkSolutionListEvaluator<>(sparkContext))
List<DoubleSolution> population = algorithm.getResult();


Currently, besides the SparkSolutionListEvaluator, we provide also a SparkEvaluation class, which implements the Evaluation interface.

Asynchronous parallelism

An advantage of synchronous parallelism is that it does not require to modify the code of the metaheuristic using it. The only caveat is to ensure that the evaluate() method of the problem is thread-safe.

As mentioned before, a drawback of synchronous parallelism is that it can find difficulties to scale when the number of cores/processors is high. An alternative is to use an asynchronous parallel model, which basically consists in that, whenever a new solution has to evaluated, it is submitted immediately for evaluation asynchronously, without having to wait. Therefore, this model can scale better than the synchronous one, but the metaheuristic has to be modified to adopt it, and the resulting algorithm does not behave exactly as the sequential one. We studied this issue in: J.J. Durillo, A.J. Nebro, F. Luna, E. Alba A Study of Master-Slave Approaches to Parallelize NSGA-II. 11th International Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing (NIDISC) 2008..

The jmetal-parallel sub-module contains an AsynchronousParallelAlgorithm interface and a multi-threaded implementation of it based on the master-worker scheme, which is applied in two classes: AsynchronousMultiThreadedGeneticAlgorithm and AsynchronousMultiThreadedNSGAII.

Module contents

The current structure of the jmetal-parallel sub-module is the following:

└── jmetal-parallel: org.uma.jmetal.parallel
    ├── asynchronous
        ├── algorithm
            ├── impl
                ├── AsynchronousMultiThreadedGeneticAlgorithm
                └── AsynchronousMultiThreadedNSGAII
        ├── multithreaded
            ├── Master
            └── Worker
        └── task
    ├── synchronous
        ├── SparkEvaluation
        └── SparkSolutionListEvaluator
    └── example
        ├── AsynchronousMasterWorkerBasedNSGAIIExample
        ├── AsynchronousMultiThreadedGeneticAlgorithmExample
        ├── SynchronousNSGAIIWithSparkExample
        └── SynchronousComponentBasedNSGAIIWithSparkExample